Equipping Hour 3/23/25
God’s Compassion, Not Human Contrivance - Genesis 29:31–30:24
Big Idea: Look to God’s compassion, not human contrivance, to provide the offspring for blessing.
Jacob’s Way and Wages
Big Idea: Do it your way, not God’s way, and you will receive appropriate wages.
Equipping Hour 3/9/25
God's House
Big Idea: Yahweh through His gracious promises will bring you to His house for blessing, so swear allegiance to Him.
Scheming for Blessing - Genesis 26:34–28:9
Equipping Hour 2/23/25 - Doctrine of Sin
Yahweh is with Isaac - Genesis 26:1–33
Big Idea: Trust that Yahweh is with the offspring of Abraham because of Abraham’s obedient faith.
Equipping Hour 2/16/25 - Doctrine of Sin
The Knowledge Necesssary for Growth
2 Peter 1:1-15
Abide With Me - John 15:1-11
Yahweh’s Choice of Offspring - Genesis 25:1–34
Big Idea: Yahweh continues to choose the line of the offspring.
Equipping Hour 1/26/25 - Doctine of Sin
Yahweh Provides Isaac’s Wife - Genesis 24:1–67
Big Idea: Humbly recognize Yahweh’s astounding provision for the promised offspring.
Equipping Hour 1/19/25 - Doctrine of Sin
Burial Land - Genesis 22:20-23:20
Equipping Hour 1/12/25 - Doctrine of Sin
Equipping Hour 1/5/25 - Doctrine of Sin
Abraham Fears God - Genesis 22:1-19
Big Idea: Fear God, trusting in His provision for the right sacrifice.