Big Idea: Trust that Yahweh is with the offspring of Abraham because of Abraham’s obedient faith.
Equipping Hour 2/16/25 - Doctrine of Sin
The Knowledge Necesssary for Growth
2 Peter 1:1-15
Abide With Me - John 15:1-11
Yahweh’s Choice of Offspring - Genesis 25:1–34
Big Idea: Yahweh continues to choose the line of the offspring.
Equipping Hour 1/26/25 - Doctine of Sin
Yahweh Provides Isaac’s Wife - Genesis 24:1–67
Big Idea: Humbly recognize Yahweh’s astounding provision for the promised offspring.
Equipping Hour 1/19/25 - Doctrine of Sin
Burial Land - Genesis 22:20-23:20
Equipping Hour 1/12/25 - Doctrine of Sin
Equipping Hour 1/5/25 - Doctrine of Sin
Abraham Fears God - Genesis 22:1-19
Big Idea: Fear God, trusting in His provision for the right sacrifice.
Promise Downpayment
Big Idea: Call on the everlasting God to fulfill all His promises because of His downpayment.
Christmas Adoption
Big Idea: Receive adoption as children because the Father sent forth His Son at the appointed time.
Yahweh Overcomes Abraham’s Faithlessness
Big Idea: Trust that Yahweh will certainly accomplish His plans for the nations, overcoming the faithlessness of His people.
Lot's Failure, Yahweh's Mercy
Learn from Lot’s failure and Yahweh’s mercy.
Learning Justice - Genesis 18:16-33
Big Idea: To learn justice, watch what Yahweh does with Sodom and Gomorrah.
The Abrahamic Covenant Meal - Genesis 18:1-15
Big Idea: Nothing is too amazing for Yahweh, so cling to His promises.
Sign of the Abrahamic Covenant - Part 2
Big Idea: Have you been circumcised? Do you belong to God’s covenant people?
Sign of the Abrahamic Covenant - 11-10-24
Have you been circumcised? Do you belong to God’s covenant people?