Welcome to Faith Bible Church!
We are a Bible-centered church serving the greater Hood River area with the good news that Jesus saves and forgives sinners eternally through repentance and faith!
We are so glad that you have joined us today!
The Church is the Assembly of believers, and so our physical gathering on Sunday is essential to our identity as a people redeemed and gathered because of what Jesus has done. Jesus is the Head of the Church who builds His assembly through His word, the Bible. Because of this, our Sunday gathering is centered around hearing Jesus’ word and responding to Jesus’ word.
Equipping Hour
Equipping hour begins at 9:00 am
Equipping hour is an interactive teaching time in which the Elders of FBC equip believers in a variety of biblical topics which are profitable for growth in maturity in Christ. By focusing on topics, the Equipping Hour complements the main diet of teaching in the Sunday service of consecutive biblical exposition through books of the Bible.
Corporate Worship
Corporate Worship begins at 10:30 am
Worship through Singing
For the Sunday gathering, songs are chosen for their theological content and sing-ability as another medium to hear biblical truth and also to assist the congregation in singing to God and to one another.
Corporate Prayer
In each Sunday gathering we take time to corporately pray through prayer prompts following the pattern of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. Please join together as a family or join a neighbor in praying together.
Scripture Reading
Each week a portion of the Bible is read—usually the text that will be preached through in the sermon. We stand during this time out of reverence for the Word of God because when scripture speaks, God speaks.
Expository Preaching
We primarily hear the word of God on Sunday through the expositional preaching of the Bible. Expository preaching exposes the text of the Bible in such a way that the point of the text is the point of the sermon applied to the congregation today. The current series is in the book of Genesis.
The Lord’s Supper
We celebrate The Lord’s Supper/Communion monthly on the first Sunday of each month. The Lord’s Supper is for the members of Faith Bible Church and attenders or visitors who have gone public with their faith by baptism as a believer and are living in obedience to Jesus to partake as well. In the New Covenant sign of the Lord’s Supper we look back at Christ’s work on the Cross, we look around us to see the people He has redeemed and we look forward to the day we will celebrate this supper with Christ in His kingdom.
Children ages 0-4 are welcome to stay in the service or receive care in the nursery. We take care for our smallest seriously; the nursery is always staffed with at least two members of Faith Bible Church who have undergone regular and thorough background checks.
Children ages 5 and older are usually part of the Sunday gathering to grow in a habit of participating in the local church. There are colored pencils and a sermon note sheet designed especially to help children 5-12 engage with the service. On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, children aged 4 to 8 will be invited to join a children’s class downstairs after corporate singing. Leaders of this class will provide instruction in the Bible, games and activities.
Giving is a response of worship to God. Offering boxes are available at the front and back of the church towards the entrances.