Resurrection Reports
Matthew 28:1-15
Big Idea: Trust in the reports of Jesus’ resurrection and worship Him!
Sermon Library
Resurrection Reports
Matthew 28:1-15
Big Idea: Trust in the reports of Jesus’ resurrection and worship Him!
Topic: Prayer
Trust in Jesus as the Son of God since even His burial proves it.
Worship Jesus, proven to be the Son of God at His death.
Seek rescue from sin from the rightful king - Jesus - conceived from the Holy Spirit.
Acclaim Jesus as the true king because of His humiliation through the crucifixion.
Recognize your sin leading to Jesus’ crucifixion and surrender to Him as righteous king for His atonement.
Recognize the evil of Jesus’ death, yet its necessity for restoration from exile.
God’s Holiness
Don’t Shrink back or let go of your faith! Christ is coming!
God’s Attributes - His Glory
Matthew 5: 13-16
Claiming Jesus as your King means embracing His humiliation to an unjust death. - Matt. 26.: 57-75
God’s Sovereignty - God’s Decree
Following the dying Messiah submitted to the Father’s will.
God’s Sovereignty - In His Omnipresence
God’s Sovereignty - In His Presence (Omnipresence)
Devour the dying Messiah since Jesus knows everything about His sacrifice Matt. 26:17-30
Big Idea: Extravagant faith is the only proper preparation, given Jesus’ death.
God’s Sovereignty - In His Power